Through the Safeguards for Ageing Well Program, Aged Rights Advocacy Service (ARAS) aims to raise community awareness and understanding of how to live and age well, tackle ageism and safeguard the rights of older people.

The program provides keys to living a fulfilling and positive life, free from any harm:

  1. Stay connected: Pick up your phone and talk to your family and friends or make a video call through FaceTime, Skype or WhatsApp. Staying in touch with your loved ones can reduce stress and anxiety.
  2. Stay active: Go for a walk every day and/or take your dog for a walk. Get out and get some fresh air.
  3. Stay healthy: Make sure you eat nutritious meals and plenty of healthy snacks. Nourishing your body is a key ingredient to staying active and to boosting your overall mood.
  4. Stay in control: Have you reviewed your Will recently or prepared an Advance Care Directive? Having these documents in place will give you peace of mind about your future and the future of those you love.

Older community members can use ARAS’s Aged Care System Navigator (care finder) to access aged care services, connecting to essential services through My Aged Care, to support them to live independently at home for longer.

In addition, ARAS delivers the Home Care Check-In project providing in-home safety checks for older people who may be vulnerable through social isolation, and at risk of harm or neglect.

ARAS also delivers information sessions to community and aged care providers on safeguarding the rights of older people, living a positive life, ageing well, and prevention strategies for elder abuse.

ARAS Aboriginal Advocacy provides confidential and culturally safe services across all ARAS advocacy services and delivers Safeguards for Ageing Well Aboriginal Community Network sessions to service providers working with Elders in the community.

ARAS advocates can assist with further information on the program and organise an information session on safeguarding the rights of older people.

Please contact ARAS on (08) 8232 5377 or 1800 700 600 (toll free) or email

The Safeguards for Ageing Well program is supported by Office for Ageing Well, SA Health.