Aged Rights Advocacy Service (ARAS) understands how important it is for older people to maintain independence and safety in their own home and remain connected to their community. ARAS's Home Care Check-in service assists older people who are experiencing social isolation and loneliness, and are at risk of harm and neglect, to develop social connections in their community.

The heart of the initiative is the dedicated Home Care Check-in Advocates, committed to upholding the rights of older individuals and ensuring they feel empowered and respected.

Understanding the Home Care Check-in Service

Through a combination of home visits and regular phone communication, the advocates delve into the circumstances affecting the wellbeing of the older person, identifying potential risks and connecting them with appropriate services and supports.

The commitment of a Home Care Check-in Advocate extends beyond mere interaction; it involves genuinely listening, valuing the older person, understanding their priorities, and providing information about available services to enhance overall wellbeing. Advocates also consider both local and broader community activities based on a person’s preferences and support them in making necessary changes to achieve their goals.

Tailoring the Service to Individual Needs

Recognising the uniqueness of each person, the Home Care Check-in service is designed with the person at the centre. Its frequency is determined with them, ensuring a personalised and compassionate approach. The service aims to increase the older person's confidence in accessing aged care and community services, fostering a sense of autonomy and wellbeing.

Eligibility Criteria for the Home Care Check-in Service

The Home Care Check-in service is tailored for older individuals eligible for home-based aged care services. Eligibility is determined based on factors such as location (currently the Adelaide metropolitan area), specific needs, and any identified risk factors. Advocates work closely with the older person to assess their needs and determine if the service aligns with their requirements.

Potential risk factors include living alone with reliance on a single carer or provider service, experiencing grief or loss, lacking regular check-ins from family or friends, living with cognitive impairment, communication difficulties, mobility issues, or loss of driving ability.

Connecting with a Home Care Check-in Advocate

For those seeking assistance or wishing to connect with a Home Care Check-in Advocate, ARAS can be reached at (08) 8232 5377 or 1800 700 600 (toll-free). This service aims to ensure that everyone, regardless of their circumstances, receives the support and care they deserve, reflecting ARAS's commitment to promoting the wellbeing and independence of older people in the community.

This pilot project is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care.