Studies increasingly show that pets bring meaning and purpose to people’s lives and influence better health outcomes both mentally and physically. Safe Pets Safe Families believe all people should have access to the many benefits of the human animal bond.

Paws with Friends are now working to provide meaningful support to older people and their companion animals.

Through conversations with their network, Safe Pets Safe Families found that some older people are concerned about having a pet, or concerned for the pet they already have:

“What if I can’t keep up with my pet’s needs?”

“What if my pet outlives me?”

“I don’t have anyone who could care for my pet if I’m not able to.”

“I don’t want to burden anyone.”

Paws with Friends envision a world with fewer limiting beliefs around pet guardianship. They want older people to feel confident in their decision to enjoy a companion animal and assured that there will be support at times of need.

If you need help with dog walking, vet care, vet transport, foster care, finding a pet suitable to your lifestyle, end of life planning, or something else, they are there to listen.

Friendly case managers will take the time to understand your needs as they are today and will remain a trustworthy point of contact should those needs change in future. Whether you look to the future or not, Paws with Friends will be there for you and your pet through life transitions.

Please send all enquiries and referrals to - or phone Paws with Friends Project Coordinator, Mimi Horne, on 0434 419 480.

The Paws with Friends project is supported by a Positive Ageing Fellowship Grant from Office for Ageing Well, SA Health.

Photo credit: Karen, Petstar Photography