
Only 1 in 4 Australians do enough physical activity to maintain their overall health. We know that exercise has wide ranging benefits (including heart, lung, balance, and strength benefits) as well as benefits for pain and function in people with osteoarthritis, so it is important to study how to help people to exercise more.

This study aims to evaluate the feasibility of two different cycling programs for people with painful knee osteoarthritis. We want to understand people’s experiences of these interventions, and to see if the cycling programs have positive effects on their exercise enjoyment/engagement and their knee osteoarthritis symptoms.

Both cycling programs consist of 12 sessions (2x per week for 6 weeks) and will be supervised by a physiotherapist. During each session, you will be asked to use a stationary bike for up to 30 minutes. You will work with your physiotherapist to progress through the program, and the resistance levels and time spent cycling will be individualised to suit your preferences/needs.

You can participate if you are 45 years of age or older and have:

  • Painful knee osteoarthritis
  • No health conditions that would prevent you from doing the specified activity
  • No cognitive impairment (Alzheimer’s or dementia)

Participants will receive an honorarium of $40 and 12x free cycling treatments, supervised by a physiotherapist.

To register your interest please email unisa.researchvolunteers@unisa.edu.au or phone 8302 1365.

To find out more visit: Cycling exercise program for knee osteoarthritis.

This project has been approved by the University of South Australia’s Human Research Ethics Committee (Ethics Protocol 204898).