One woman’s passion for swimming has led to a wave of support and more equal access to the local pool for over-50s in the far north of South Australia.

Margaret, a regular morning lap swimmer, realised many of her friends were unable to enjoy the benefits of the pool because of a lack of access.

Her research identified that a removable set of gradual entry steps fit the brief. Further discussion led to the District Council of Orroroo Carrieton successfully applying for an Office for Ageing Well, SA Health, Age Friendly SA Grant of $38,017.

The Council aimed to use the grant to improve access to the pool and provide quality supervised aqua strength training classes to the over-50s in the community.

The community has been incredibly supportive of the ‘Making a Splash for Health and Longevity’ project, from Yorke and Northern Local Health Network Allied Health team, Goyder’s Line Medical Centre, Orroroo Health Service, Orroroo Lions Club, and Orroroo Regional Tourism Group to the members of the “Making a Splash” working party. Two Allied Health Assistants (AHAs) completed aqua aerobics training to enable them to teach local Strength for Life Aqua (SFLA) classes.

SFLA now offers four classes each week to more than 40 participants. Registrations were nearly double what was expected creating a few teething problems, mainly around the volume of required physio assessments.

Feedback from participants has been incredibly positive. Ros has loved having Nat and Jackson as instructors as they make the classes fun. Jo said it was special to have an individual program and really liked that the project covers a good age range and abilities; she can’t wait for her next session. John believes the “Making a Splash” project is reflective of the benefits of community involvement in the process and wants to see the project continue beyond the grant funding. Margaret wrote “well done to all of you for promoting and encouraging family and friends to participate and to experience some great social cohesion.”

According to the instructors, getting paid to hang out at the swimming pool is a bonus! Nat says the SFLA classes have been a fun new work venture allowing them to help out a wide range of people with various abilities and water confidence levels, through a great program backed by COTA SA. Jackson believes age is no barrier, “it’s a limitation you put on your mind, just a number when you’re in the pool.” He believes it’s never too late to dive in and have a splashin’ good time!