The 2024 Seniors Card Discounts & Deals Directory is now available for South Australian Seniors Card members.

The easy-to-read guide includes hundreds of discounts for travel, home and garden, shoes and clothing, fitness, education, retail, recreational activities and much more.

Seniors Card members can pick up a copy from one of hundreds of collection points across South Australia, including local councils, libraries and MP offices.

Visit the Seniors Card website and expand the Hardcopy Seniors Card Discounts & Deals Directory section for a list of collection points across South Australia.

If you prefer to search for discounts on your device, Discounts & Deals on the Seniors Card website allows you to browse discounts or search for deals based on category or location. The website is user-friendly and accessible on any device, including smartphones.

After browsing the Discounts & Deals homepage, use the search box for key words or business names and/or choose a category or a location (or both) to filter your selection. Or simply click View all discounts and deals to browse all the discounts and deals available to members this year. You can read more about how to navigate the Seniors Card Discounts & Deals website here.

On behalf of Seniors Card, we would like to thank the hundreds of business partners that offer discounts to members. Businesses listed cover the cost of the discounts they offer to Seniors Card members. Please remember to thank the participating businesses for their generosity and goodwill.

New business partners join frequently throughout the year, so please check in with Discounts & Deals online to keep up to date with what is on offer from Seniors Card.