Some 2,300 years ago, it was Greek philosopher, Socrates who wrote that ‘Wonder is the beginning of wisdom.’

By that time in world history, Aboriginal people had been living in Country and sharing stories and song for tens of thousands of years across what has been known as South Australia for less than 200 years.

Every year from 1 - 31 May, hundreds of community organisations, leading museums, collectors and thousands of volunteers across South Australia step up to share insights into local places and stories about heroic locals - to commemorate and celebrate significant events.

As Seniors Card members, I envy your time of life. You have lived, shaped and made history. The 2023 South Australia’s History Festival is a cornucopia of wonderment. From the deep past of the Dreamtime to the events of yesterday, the wonder of history is all around us.

Many of us reading this message are baby boomers, myself included - born in the years from 1946 - 64, and doubtless a goodly number just a little older.

We have lived through some of the most significant events in modern history, from the end of World War II to the rise of the digital age. But have you ever stopped to consider the value of history and how it can enrich your life today?

One of the most significant benefits of engaging with history is that it provides us with a sense of perspective. When we learn about the events of the past, we are better equipped to understand the present - and anticipate the future.

By getting out and about during the History Festival, you can gain a deeper understanding of the events that have shaped South Australia and the world, and better appreciate your place and that of your forebears - and children - in that ongoing story.

So why not consider participating in South Australia's History Festival this year?

With over 550 events across the state, there is something for everyone and not far from home, from guided walks and talks, to exhibitions, workshops, and performances.

You can explore the rich history of Adelaide and its surrounds, learn about the lives and experiences of South Australians past and present, and connect with others who share your passion for history. Whether you are a history buff or just curious about the world around you, the History Festival is a fantastic opportunity to learn, connect, and have fun.

Why not take advantage of South Australia's History Festival and discover all that history has to offer?

You never know what stories and experiences you might uncover, or what new personal memories you might make along the way.

Greg Mackie OAM
CEO, History Trust of South Australia

Office for Ageing Well and Seniors Card are proud Program Partners of History Festival and Open Doors.

View the full 2023 program here.

More information from the 2023 History Festival edition of WeekendPlus: